“Black and White is the truest color.”
For a long time my response to anyone who might ask me to take their photograph was to immediately inform them that, "You don't want me to take your picture, I have the photographic eye of Stevie Wonder." And I was equally blind to any other possible interest related to photography.
In September 2009 that suddenly changed. I was in Iraq and among the few personal items that I'd brought with me was my underused point and shoot Nikon Coolpix P6000. In truth, I don't even know how it got in my bag but that camera became my escape. Through it I began to see the invisible things. You know what I'm talking about -- those beautiful things that had always been there, but that I had failed to see, and, even worse, appreciate.
Since that fateful September photographic epiphany I've gone through mulitple systems, kits, and of course, floral shots.
So now, many years later and counting, I've finally committed to one system and format. After starting with Nikon and later going all in with Fujifilm digital medium format with the GFX system. But it’s 2020 and I have to stop the presses one more time because I’ve taken the plunge and joined Leica. That’s right, I am a full fledged member of the fabled Red Dot Club. Yep, there it is. My kit now includesI the M11 and the M11 Monochrome for dedicated digital B&W shooting. A 1966 Silver Chrome/Single Stroke Leica M3 that I’ve paired with the iconic Summicron M 50mm Dual Range lens. Two Leitz Barnack 35mm film bodies. The Iconic Leitz Barnack iiid with Summitar 35mm f2 collapsible lens and the Leitz Barnack Leica III (Model F) with a Leitz Elmar 50mm f3.5 collapsible lens. And finally, wrt Leica,I have also added the phenomenal Leica SL2-S. But have also added the Mamiya C22 Professional F 120mm Medium Format with dual 80mm f2.8 lens and the Intrepid Large Format 4X5 camera paired with four phenomenal Fujinon Large Format lenses. So for those naysayers who have quipped throughout the years, “He's a bit odd.” — there’s more fuel for the fire.
As for my genre -- I'm not a pro, I'm a photo junkie getting a buzz from from anything and everything. So, that said, I don't know what will pull my attention from one moment to the next. I just plan to stay open to all of the possibilities — and most importantly —to continue to enjoy the adventure.
And you — You’re all invited to come along. Prayerfully, you'll enjoy the ride as much as I do.
"Stay Safe and Be Blessed.”
Dr. Chaps